
持续的暴力、战争和随之而来的媒体报道会让博彩平台推荐中的许多人感到不知所措. When thinking about these events, 重要的是要记住,它们可以影响所有年龄段的人, including children and young adults. 和你的孩子谈论战争以及战争对他们的影响可以为他们提供一个机会,帮助他们有效地处理担忧和痛苦的情绪. 

Here are some tips to help you get the conversation started. 

1. Ask questions 

有时候,提出困难话题的最好方法是问一些开放式的问题. 这种策略可以帮助博彩平台推荐衡量孩子对某一特定主题的了解程度,以及他们对此的感受. 记住,孩子们可能并不总是知道自己的感受, or they may be experiencing a range of emotions all at once, which can be hard for some children to decipher.  


  • I know [event or conflict] has been on the news a lot recently. How do you feel about what is happening? 

  • Can you tell me what you know about the [event or conflict]? 

  • Are people talking about this at school? What kinds of things have you heard about it? 

  • 你是否听到或看到过让你感到不安或担心的事情? Can you tell me more about that? 

  • 你觉得你需要休息一下,不要再看到或听到它吗? 

  • 你对[事件或冲突]有什么问题需要我帮忙解答吗? 

问问题的时候,不加评判地倾听孩子的意见也很重要. This allows them to share more openly, 这样你就能更好地了解接下来的谈话内容. 

2. Acknowledge and validate their feelings 

After you’ve had a chance to discuss your child’s perspective, it’s important to acknowledge and validate what they’ve shared. 以下是一些如何验证孩子经历的例子: 

  • 你的孩子会对他们看到的大量新闻报道或图像感到不知所措. “你看到的新闻数量听起来令人难以承受,我可以理解为什么这可能会令人沮丧. 作为一个家庭,博彩平台推荐可以休息一下,不再谈论它或看新闻.” 

  • Your child has family in the region or armed forces. “It can be scary not to know how [person] is doing. 我在这里回答你的问题,并支持你,因为博彩平台推荐等待更多的信息.” 

  • Your child doesn’t understand why these things are happening. “[Countries] have a long and complex history. I understand why you feel confused and upset. 我是来帮你解答问题的, and we can look into it together if you would like.” 

3. Be mindful of misconceptions 

Like anyone, children may be exposed to misinformation, the influence of others and conflicting opinions. 花点时间帮助他们澄清可能存在的误解,并注意你自己的偏见可能会影响你对这些类型事件的看法. 同样重要的是,要注意当孩子在身边时,你如何与其他成年人谈论事件. 

试着从同情而不是耻辱的角度来引导博彩app推荐战争和其他冲突的对话. 不管你或你的孩子对卷入某一特定冲突的国家有何看法, 重要的是要记住,战争往往是由政府和军事领导人推动的, not everyday people. If your child is in middle school or older, you may want to begin to explore subjects like empathy, disputes, animosity or hurtful perspectives. One way to introduce these topics is to focus on the ‘helpers,比如救援人员或其他试图帮助日常受到影响的人的人. 

你们也可以利用这段时间来讨论是否有什么事情你们作为一个家庭想要共同支持或做更多的研究. For instance, 你可以考虑更多地了解一个地区的历史,或者寻找向不同地区提供援助的可靠慈善机构. 

4. Stay calm 

Sometimes when we’re passionate about a topic, 它会带来很多感觉,可能会导致孩子们的痛苦感增加. 学习如何注意和管理博彩平台推荐的情绪可以帮助防止事情升级. 注意你的语气和举止,注意你在谈话中的表现. It’s important to remember that in times of distress, children often look to their parents, relatives and other trusted adults for guidance, support, reassurance and stability. If you find yourself getting worked up, try to pause, 深吸一口气,记住给予支持比在某个问题上保持正确更重要. 

5. Take personal circumstances into account 

如果家人或朋友受到冲突的直接影响, take that into account when talking with your child. For instance, 如果您的孩子有亲属居住在受灾地区或在部署的武装部队服役, their feelings of distress or worry may be elevated. 

Additionally, 如果你的家庭来自受冲突影响的地区, 你的孩子或其他家庭成员可能会受到言语攻击, hate crimes and other threats, both online and in person. 如果你担心你的孩子可能会受到这些类型的场景的影响, take some time to discuss safety for themselves, family and friends, both at home and abroad. If they experience any verbal harassment, aggression or hateful interactions, instruct them to talk with a trusted adult right away. 

6. Provide ongoing support 

通过总结来回顾你们讨论的内容来结束对话或部分对话. 请记住,这可能是一个需要持续努力和支持的主题. At the end of the conversation, 让你的孩子知道你感激他们愿意与你分享. If you feel like you need to revisit this down the road, let them know that you would like to follow up at a later time. 


如果你或你的孩子对时事感到苦恼, conflicts or wars, there are resources that can help. 

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP)

FSAP为博彩平台推荐所有教职员工提供免费的心理健康服务, including brief individual or couples counseling, community referrals, workshops and more. 


AcademicLiveCare是一个免费的远程医疗平台,允许教职员工虚拟地安排医疗和心理健康预约. 这是一个很好的选择,为工作人员和教师谁是出国旅行或谁想晚上, weekend or after-hours support. 

The Real Help Hotline

这条热线提供了与专业顾问的联系,他们可以帮助寻找当地资源,并提供即时的危机咨询. This program is free, 所有员工可随时拨打833-533-2428或发送“TALK”至38255. 

Office of Victim Assistance (OVA)

OVA provides free and confidential information, consultation, support, advocacy and short-term, 为那些经历和/或目睹创伤或不安事件的人提供以创伤为重点的咨询服务. 他们还为那些在创伤经历中支持另一个人的亲人提供支持.